Solopreneurship Doesn’t Have to be Solo


When Melanie stopped working for others and started her own business, she discovered it was lonelier and less supportive than had anticipated. That's why she created a community spaces for good-hearted, driven women to connect virtually and in person. Through her expertise as a Cognitive Coach and writing teacher, Melanie helps women solopreneurs find clarity and make progress.

After transitioning her EdTech company to a nonprofit to ensure all students can access personalized writing support, she founded SoloprenHER, Inc. a nonprofit providing women solopreneurs access to quality support and community.

When she’s not running her two businesses, Melanie enjoys playing pickleball, traveling, and living in Delaware—just a seagull’s glide from the ocean—with her son, husband, and two beachcombing dogs.

College Professor Turned Entrepreneur

About Melanie

Dr. Melanie Obitz-Bukartek is the founder of a nonprofit EdTech startup, an award-winning educator, published writer, Clarity Coach, and business retreat host who once moved to an island for six weeks.

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